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Distribuidoras da Neoenergia contribuem no combate à dengue em áreas de concessão

Neoenergia distributors contribute to the fight against dengue fever in concession areas


Readers from Neoenergia Brasília (DF) and Neoenergia Elektro (SP/MS)

help identify outbreaks of the Aedes aegypti mosquito

Rio de Janeiro, March 13, 2024

Neoenergia is contributing to the fight against dengue fever. Readers from the Neoenergia Brasília (DF) and Neoenergia Elektro (SP/MS) concession areas are working, in partnership with local health departments, to identify outbreaks of the Aedes aegypti mosquito,

which transmits the disease.

The collaborators generate reports, with addresses and georeferencing, so that the government can work more precisely. In Votuporanga, in the interior of São Paulo, Neoenergia Elektro signed an agreement with the municipal health department and placed more than 90 employees to visit more than 55,000 homes. All received guidance from health surveillance agents. This action will also extend to the municipalities of Jales and Fernandópolis


In the Federal District, readers from Neoenergia Brasília identified, in February, nearly 500 large mosquito outbreaks in the regions of Taguatinga, Brazilândia, Sobradinho, Plano Piloto, and Ceilândia. According to data from the Federal District Health Department, updated last Monday (11/3), the federal capital has already confirmed 109 deaths from the disease in the year and more than 137.5 thousand probable cases have

already been registered.

According to the Ministry of Health, São Paulo and the Federal District are the federal units with the highest incidence rates of cases in Brazil, in addition to the states of Minas Gerais, Paraná, and Rio de Janeiro.

Main symptoms

The infection does not always have symptoms. The individual may have asymptomatic dengue fever or present a mild condition. But it is necessary to be aware if the person has a high fever (39ºC to 40ºC), with a sudden onset, accompanied by at least two other symptoms


- Severe headache;
- Pain behind the eyes;
- Muscle and joint pain;
- Nausea and vomiting;
- Red spots on the body.

Warning signs

The Ministry of Health warns that it is important to seek a health service for appropriate diagnosis and treatment when presenting possible symptoms of dengue fever. The severe form is the one that worries. After the febrile period, the individual should be aware of the alarm signs


- Intense and continuous abdominal pain;
- Persistent vomiting;
- Accumulation of fluids in body cavities;
- Mucosal bleeding;
- Bleeding




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