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Trainee Program

Present in the country for 25 years, Neoenergia is among the largest in the electricity sector in Brazil and remains committed to the demand for efficient and sustainable energy supply in an integrated manner.

Now you can be part of the largest company in the energy sector with the Neoenergia Trainee program.

The International Graduate Program lasts two years and offers those selected, in their development path, international experience in countries where Iberdrola operates. The objective is to train future leaders and specialists, who can strengthen strategic areas and meet market needs.
With a presence in all segments of the production chain: Generation, Distribution, Transmission and Marketing, the company seeks talent that is aligned with its purpose, contributing to its mission and values.

What are the requirements to participate?

Higher education courses: undergraduate studies in the fields of engineering (electrical, mechanical, renewable energy, sustainable energy systems, and environmental sciences), digital/IT (computer science/software engineering),
Big Data (data analysis, data science, Big Data management) and cybersecurity (information/information security).

English level: fluent

Do you accept the challenge?

Wait for registration to open for the Neoenergia Trainee Program and take advantage of the opportunity to stand out as a rising professional in the energy sector.

Promoting diversity and inclusion

To promote a work environment of inclusion, respect for diversity, empowerment, and the fight against discrimination and aligned with SDG 5 - Gender Equality and 10 - Reduction of inequalities, Neoenergia, through its Junt+s Program, promotes diversity and inclusion actions, focusing on women, black people, LGBTQ+, and people with disabilities. The company focuses on creating an increasingly plural environment and strengthening the climate of respect among all of its approximately 15,000 employees throughout Brazil.

The company maintains an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy that does not admit any type of discrimination based on race, color, age, sex, marital status, ideology, political opinions, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, or any other personal, physical or social condition among its professionals.

Work with us!

Join us and be part of a team passionate about transforming the world of energy. At Neoenergia, we are committed to building a sustainable future and we are looking for talent that wants to make a difference.
If you are driven by challenges, value innovation, and believe in the power of diversity and inclusion, this is your place. We are constantly looking for professionals who want to grow, learn, and contribute to our success.


Neoenergia alcança EBITDA Caixa  de R$ 2,8 bi no 1º trimestre de 2024

Neoenergia achieves cash EBITDA of R$ 2.8 billion in the first quarter of 2024

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Neoenergia lança campanha publicitária com foco no cliente

Neoenergia launches customer-focused advertising campaign

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Neoenergia é certificada como uma das melhores empresas para se trabalhar no Brasil
Governança Corporativa

Neoenergia is certified as one of the best companies to work for in Brazil

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Neoenergia lança na Bahia o maior plano de investimentos do setor elétrico baiano, com aporte de R$ 13,3 bilhões até 2027

Neoenergia lança na Bahia o maior plano de investimentos do setor elétrico baiano, com aporte de R$ 13,3 bilhões até 2027

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Em reunião com membros do Lide, distribuidora anunciou também que a meta é regularizar a energia de 40 mil famílias na capital federal

Energia no DF: Neoenergia vai investir mais de R$ 1,4 bilhão nos próximos anos

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Neoenergia implantará rede privativa para expansão de redes inteligentes no Distrito Federal

Neoenergia will deploy a private network for the expansion of smart grids in the Federal District

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Instituto Neoenergia abre inscrições para edital Transformando Energia em Cultura
Instituto Neoenergia

Instituto Neoenergia opens registrations for the Transforming Energy into Culture public notice

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Neoenergia apresenta Relatório de Transparência Fiscal 2023
Governança Corporativa

Neoenergia presents Fiscal Transparency Report 2023

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Neoenergia instala sistema flutuante pioneiro no Brasil para estudos de medição eólica offshore

Neoenergia instala sistema flutuante pioneiro no Brasil para estudos de medição eólica offshore

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Brazil Offshore Wind Summit 2024: Neoenergia e governo do RJ assinam memorando para estudos de desenvolvimento de energia eólica offshore no estado

Brazil Offshore Wind Summit 2024: Neoenergia and the government of Rio de Janeiro sign a memorandum for offshore wind energy development studies in the state

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Distribuidoras da Neoenergia conquistam Prêmio Melhores em Gestão 2024

Neoenergia distributors win Best in Management Award 2024

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Neoenergia anuncia parceria com Lollapalooza Brasil 2024 para ampliar o movimento #PelaDescarbonização

Neoenergia announces partnership with Lollapalooza Brazil 2024 to expand the #PelaDescarbonização movement

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Neoenergia conquista prêmio da ONU por programa de apoio a colaboradoras vítimas de violência doméstica
Empoderamento Feminino

Neoenergia wins UN award for support program for female collaborators who are victims of domestic violence

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Instituto Neoenergia promove festival sobre conservação de aves no RN
Instituto Neoenergia

Instituto Neoenergia promotes bird conservation festival in Rio Grande do Sul

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Dia do consumidor: Neoenergia oferece descontos na conta de luz

Consumer Day: Neoenergia offers discounts on electricity bills

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Brasileirão Feminino Neoenergia 2024: companhia reforça compromisso ao desenvolvimento do esporte no país

Brasileirão Feminino Neoenergia 2024: the company reinforces its commitment to the development of sports in the country

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Distribuidoras da Neoenergia contribuem no combate à dengue em áreas de concessão

Neoenergia distributors contribute to the fight against dengue fever in concession areas

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Prêmio Inspirar 2024: Instituto Neoenergia abre inscrições para selecionar lideranças femininas ligadas à arte e à cultura

Inspirar Award 2024: Neoenergia Institute opens registrations to select female leaders linked to art and culture

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Neoenergia vai premiar clientes com descontos na conta de luz que chegam a R$ 375 mil

Neoenergia will reward customers with discounts on electricity bills of up to R$ 375 thousand

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Instituto Neoenergia

With the support of the Neoenergia Institute, Curta Caicó selects films from all over Brazil

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