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Sustainability Indices and Data

Check out Neoenergia's sustainability indexes and data.

The company's Deputy CEO, Solange Ribeiro, was appointed as vice-president of the UN Global Compact Council.
Affiliated since 2016, Neoenergia signed the position Entrepreneurs for Climate, of the Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development and participates in the CTs on Climate Change, Water and Biodiversity.
For the third consecutive year, the company remained in the ranking of the companies with the best performance in the electricity sector in the yearbook prepared by S&P Global ESG.

For the third consecutive year, Neoenergia remains in the Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE) B3 portfolio — Brazil, Bolsa, Balcão.

It achieved the score A- in the CDP climate change notebook, for the second consecutive year, and B in the water security notebook, in its debut year.

Neoenergia is a participant in the Brazil Global Compact Network and is involved in Climate and Water GTs. Committed to the 10 Principles of the Global Compact.

For the fourth consecutive year, it is part of the FTSE4Good Index Series index.

It obtained the program's Gold Seal for the second consecutive year, for the publication of the greenhouse gas inventory.

He has been participating in the organization since 2016, which brings together Brazilian companies in order to contribute to the improvement of corporate social investments in order to reduce inequalities in the country.
Partnership with the entity since 2001. She is one of the signatories of the Business Movement Commitment to Integrity and Transparency of the Ethos Institute. He joined the entity's anti-corruption manifesto and is part of the Brazilian Anti-Corruption WG.


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